Inclusive content drives business results




Measure inclusion in your ads using Responsible AI with Alltold Insights for Ads

Ads with higher cultural relevance show


Enhanced brand perception


Lift in purchase intent


Increase in ad effectiveness

Movies with higher Authentically Inclusive Representation earn:


Higher box office earnings


Higher audience scores


Higher critic scores
woman with prosthetic leg walking

"If P&G’s brands matched their general-market performance with multicultural audiences, “the size of the prize is big – up to $1 billion in extra sales”.

Marc Pritchard, Chief Brand Officer at P&G states

“In 2022, theatrical films with casts that were from 31 percent to 40 percent minority enjoyed the highest median global box office receipts, while films with casts that were less than 11 percent minority (echoing a pattern evident the last three years) were the poorest performers.”

Alltold Insights: How it works


Select & Send

You select & send a media collection for analysis

Detect & Annotate

We use responsible AI and advanced technology to detect the people in the media collection and annotate along a set of identity attributes


We calculate metrics like the screen time and speaking time for each person identified, and aggregate these over the entire media collection


We deliver percentage of total people detected and screen time analytics for each of the identity attributes


You use this data to set goals, correlate to performance, and measure progress

Track and measure representation

Alltold Insights responsibly delivers detection and screen time analytics across 6 identity dimensions


Body size

Gender expression

Observed sexual orientation

Skin tone

Visible disibility

Responsible approach

How to use Alltold Insights

First, we recommend building your Alltold Baseline. We can work together to define the best content to include, but a good starting point is all ads and/or social media content from the past quarter, half, or year. This gives you your starting point.

The next step is to take that baseline and uncover opportunities to more authentically reach new or existing audiences, fans, and brand loyalists. Here you can set goals, and build programs to help you meet and exceed them. As you go, we recommend putting every piece of creative through Alltold. We’ll build up reports for you so you always have a sense of how your content is measuring up. This allows you to measure and report on your progress towards your goals.

Commitment to Responsibility

We estimate real people’s sensitive identity attributes every day, that’s a big responsibility that we don’t take lightly. We embed responsible practices across our business and technology to make sure we are doing our absolute best to do this work fairly and equitably.

Our responsibility
woman with hijab and sunglasses smiling
man and daughter washing dishes together
little girl smiling at camera
group of friends laughing together
older woman smiling to the side
man with vitiligo and friend laughing

Let’s get started